martes, 19 de febrero de 2008


It is believed that the peruvian territory was populated since 8,000 B.C. by Asian migrating populations, however, we can not talk about a cultural unit because of the registered culture succession since 2,500 B.C., which it first passed through a primitive agriculture and cattle period; it was affirmed the ceramics period in the X Century B.C. The well developed Chavin culture from Huantar, characterized by its great ceremonial buildings and the practice of an evolved culture is one of the first testimonies. At the IV century already was recorded a higher development degree of cultures settled in its territories (Chimu and Nazca), which stand out because of their textile, metallurgy and higher technology irrigation system.
In the VI century A.D. we had the Tiahuanaco Culture. In the XII century A.D. a "quechua" language town was born which was managed by soveraigns called Incas, with poulations which migrated from the Titicaca Lake's banks to Cusco, organization which attained in short time a great territorial expansion.

The Republic of Peru is an Andean State located in the central and western part of South America between the 81°19'34.5" and 68°39'27.0" of west longitude and from 0°01'48.0" to 18°21'0.30" of south latitude. Peru is bounded at north by Equator having a 1,529 KM long border and by Colombia with a 1,506 KM long border at south by Chile, with a 169 KM long border; at the east by Brasil, having a 2,822 KM long border, and Bolivia, with a 1,047 KM long border, and at the west side its coasts are wetted by the Pacific Ocean 3,080 KM long.
According to the census performed in 1993, its population reachedup to 22,639,210 inhabitants. Currently, its population is known to be 23,465,000 inhabitants, and a population of 27,952,100 inhabitants is expected for the year 2000. The population density now is 16.5 inhabitants per Km2 with a 2.0% growing rate per year. So at this rate, the peruvian population increases at 500,000 inhabitants per year with a life expectancy of 60 years for 1993; the urban population is equivalent to 71% and the rural population is equivalent to 29%, the main capital cities are those located in the shore (coast) from which the cities of Arequipa, Callao, Trujillo, Chimbote, Chiclayo and Piura (in the coast), Cusco and Iquitos in the highlands and jungle respectively are among the most remarkable ones.
The peruvian territory has 1,285,216 Km2 surface; 52.0% of the peruvian population live in the Coast, that is, more than a half of the whole population; 36.0% is found in the andean region whereas the amazonian plain holds only 12.0% of the whole population.The Republic of Peru has a presidential, unitary and decentralized governmental system; it also has its respective
Congress of the Republic.Regarding the political division, Peru is made up by 24 departments and one Constitutional Province called El Callao; likewise departments are made up by provinces which are 192 (including El Callao) up to 1995; these are in turn made up by 1,808 districts.The most recent Political Constitution was issued on October 31, 1993 being Alberto Fujimori Fujimori as Constitutional President of the Republic of Peru.The capital of the Republic is the city of Lima located in the department of Lima with an altitude of 153 m.a.s.l.
The State Government is divided into three branches: The Executive managed by the President of the Republic who is electedfor a five year-period and is in charge of assigning his ministers; The Legislative which resides in the Congress and has a unique chamber made up by 120 members of the Congress who are elected for a five year-period; The Judiciary, made up by the Supreme Court, whose headquarters are located in Lima; the Superior Courts which work at departmental level and the Judges of the Primary Courts of Claims who perform jurisprudence at provinces' capital cities level. The authorities of departments, provinces and districts (prefects, subprefects and governors) are assigned by the Executive; and local governments (province and district majors) are elected by universal suffrage for a three year period. Currently, the regionalization process is being implemented which looks for the end of Lima's centralism considered as a negative phenomenon for the development of the country, this process also looks for the transference of the decision power to the new autonomous entities (regional entities) over the territory that makes up the region.

The fame achieved by archeological Cuzco can be found beyond the Inca Age since the Cuzco Culture began about 1000 years before Christ when the Marcavalle Culture was in force. From there, Chamepata was originated, the history of this contemporary culture of Pucara in Puno is lost at the beginning of our Age until Wari conquered the zone including it in the Wari's Empire. After Wari, the region re-established its potential and started growing, first together with the Killke Culture and then with the Inca Culture. The city of Pikillacta comes from Wari Culture and from times of Killke, Sacsayhuaman itself and the foundations of Cuzco city.
In the past, Cuzco represented the center of the Inca Civilization. It was the capital of the andean state of Tahuantinsuyo; and which, according to the Legend, was founded by Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo between XI and XII Centuries. Then, due to an order of Francisco Pizarro, this city was founded again in March 23, 1534 in a Spanish fashion

It is one of the most extensive departments in Peru. Cuzco has a very differentiated landscape where elevated alignments of mountains with vast altiplanos and plateaus with slight surfaces and deep valleys and canyons are mixed.
The Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, which is the spinal column of this department, has been strongly eroded by the complex system of courses of waters draining toward the Jungle as well as glaciars that had had unexpected activity during last thousands of years. Nowadays only three chains of mountains are left from the old Eastern Cordillera which are oriented from the southeast to northeast part like the Vilcabamba that defines the hydrographic systems of Urubamba and Apurimac with elevated tops like Salkantay and Pumasillo; the Vilcanota with its most important peak, the Ausangate, which is at the same time the highest peak of the department also; the Paucartambo with smaller dimensions than the previous channels. Also, Cuzco has alignments of mountains with smaller elevations and local characteristics like the residual Highlands which origin is originated from the wear of the old andean altiplano caused by strong erosion of rivers due to the high andean lifting. The two most important Highlands zones are: Vilcabamba enclosing the valley of Cuzco and which most important top is Huanacaure and the Mountains of Cuzco, located at the north of the city, which highest peak is Pachatusan.
Like in all andean region, the main rivers and its affluents have formed deep valleys and canyons, among the most important ones are those formed by the Urubamba, Apurimac and Paucartambo rivers.
The valley of Urubamba shows alluvial terraces in its thick soils where a strong population dedicated to the agriculture is established. The Urubamba, under 2000 m, has formed a deep and narrow canyon which reaches all its majesty and beauty close to Machu Picchu, showing a rare landscape of bends. Due to the diversity of soil altitudes, the department has a great variety of climates and landscapes, which have strongly influence on agriculture and distribution of population.

Cuzco, the archaeological capital of America was the main city of the Tahuantinsuyo Empire, and was considered as the "World's Navel" by the Incas. It is now the first cultural center of Peru and has been proclaimed as "Humankind's Cultural Heritage" by UNESCO.
In Cuzco, all landscapes are full of beauty because it encloses all the Peru's legendary history from its foundation to the Spanish conquerors' retirement. Around the city, there are important archaeological monuments like the Sacsayhuaman's Fortress, Kenko, Tambomachay's Baths and Pisac's terraces, Ollantaytambo's Fortress and incomparable constructions of Machu Picchu in the margin of the Urubamba river which was discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911 known now as "the Capital of America" or "Eternal City".
The large amount of museums and churches have become Cuzco in the most important tourist center of Peru. The "Inca's Roads", used by old peruvians to get to Machu Picchu, offers the possibility of finding numerous Inca edifications which, when mixed with nature, provide an integral view of the magnificence and importance achieved by Machu Picchu.


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